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How To Prepare for Your Interior Project

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best experience and the best quality possible. There are some steps you can do prior to our team arriving to your home.

Here are a list of 10 things you can do to help kick off a successful start to your project:

  1. Remove valuables from the work space(s)
  2. Clear away any belongings that can be easily knocked over: vases, statues, lamps, etc.
  3. Remove artwork and store it out of the work space(s)
  4. Relocate animals to another area of the home – this includes their food/water
  5. Clear off countertops
  6. Keep floors and walk ways free from obstacles, belongings or cords
  7. Put away clothing, laundry, etc.
  8. Picture Hangers: remove nails or mounting brackets and will patch and paint them – if don’t want them filled just leave the bracket in place.
  9. Remove curtains or drapes that can easily be removed
  10. Remove loose blankets, throw pillows and such from couches/chairs

We Can Help!

From time to time, you might need our assistance! Here are some common scenarios that we would be happy to help with:

  • Furniture that is too heavy or difficult to safely move
  • Artwork or decor that requires a ladder in order to safely be removed
  • Outlet covers, blinds and hard to reach curtains or drapes
  • Difficult spaces or items to maneuver

Things we likely won’t remove:

  • Curtain brackets/mounts
  • Wall anchors
  • TV wall mounts
  • Difficult cable or phone jacks
  • Large TV’s

Other Considerations

Tools/Materials Storage:

  • Do you have a preference on where this space is located?

Utility Sink:

  • Is there a utility sink our team can use? If not, that’s okay!

Parking Restrictions:

  • Are there any special parking details?


  • Are there any pets we should be aware of?

Schedule Adjustments:

  • Are there any last minute appointments that will interfere with our schedule?

Access Codes/Instructions:

  • Are there any details on how we should enter the home?
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